Saturday 25 September 2010


first illustration lesson, the anatomy. not your average illustration lesson, we did several drawings from the anatomy display including a line drawing, a drawing without actually looking at the paper and a group drawing where we all contributed to every persons work. This lesson made me loosen up with my drawing and realise it doesnt have to be a perfect drawing to be inspirational and effective. i can also say the team drawings look surprisingly good on the wall. we shall be drawing from live models next lesson so will not be blogging a picture of that haha.

Friday 17 September 2010

a place they call 'Bath'

i love reading a good book in the park, wearing floral prints in town, bursting into laughter. So went to bath today with college visisted a vintage costume musuem where i found some very useful research for our 60's project. I also found inspiration from the town itself. the quirky old fashioned buildings caught my eye and sort of reminded me of a small seaside town. the pebble pavements added to the character of the town. small bootiques in every courner stocking tons of vintage. I came accross a charming book store full to the brim of every kind of book you could think of. 'Vintage to Vogue' adorable vintage store tucked away from the main street, the shoes and the magazines i both found there. research complete, lets get sticking.

Thursday 16 September 2010

So i started at Mathew Bolton College last week, so far so good. First project '1960's'

Wednesday 15 September 2010

the end

Our body's fit together like a makeshift puzzle and It's clear to see why you puzzle me and you turn your frame and you whisper my name as though I am a burden cause I'm making up for last time and I'm making up for you
to be inspired is great, to inspire is incredible.