Sunday 11 September 2011

origami as fashion

japanese design and the V&A

yohji yamamoto

the art of origami

metamorphosis in humans

humans change and develope in natural ways such as aging, weight loss/gain, sun damage and so on. but we also can change in un-natural ways such as plastic surgery. this kind of metamorphosis is interesting as usually its optional which inspires me to create a garment with an optional add on.

the metamorphosis of a butterfly

the metamorphosis of a butterfly. i like the way a simple, plain caterpilla can transform into a big, colourful butterfly, this could inspire a garment to change to a fuller structure reflecting the metamorphosis.


origami is an art form originating from japan which involves folding paper into decorative shapes and forms.
The oldest known written document about japanese origami is the senbazuru orikata 'how to fold one thousand cranes' this surfaced in 1797.


metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops, after birth or hatching, involving a conspicious and relatively abrupt change in the animals body structure through cell growth and differentiation.
words similar to metamorphosis; transforming, change, transformation, form, development.


during my first project of the
second year i will
research into the process of metamorphosis and origami to
gain inspiration to
create an inter-changable garment at the