Monday 10 September 2012

“You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul” George Bernard

During my first 3D design session i experimented with the basics of glass making. This involved using thin square sheets of glass and trapping wire, copper and colouring between two. I chose to try an intricate and delicate design of a flower which became difficult when fiddling around with the sharp pieces of wire! Overall i think the wire was a sucess although if i was to use this in the future i would use tools and gloves to make this easier to shape and bend. I then added cut out pieces of copper to create the look of petals, i was happy with my design like this but also wanted to see what wiuld happen if i added colour. So i then used a powder based colouring to fill in a section this way i can see how different materials react inside the glass and therefore this will give me a better uunderstanding of working with glass. I would like to explore glass a little bit more on a larger scale but it's not really something i want to pursue during the rest of the course as i dont like the idea of not having control of your design. Once its in the kiln there's not going back! I think my first day went well and i look forward to the next few weeks.