Wednesday 23 February 2011

the windows are they best view, they're always changing

a finished garment. after exploring different uses of colour and texture i did decide to change the colour of one of my wools, which is now the skirt colour. i felt like i needed a colour which reflected the orginal colour that i intended to use and now my garment feels like it ties together from top to bottom. i would say one of my main inspirations for this design would definitely be dry seaweed as you can see from the burnt red colour i have used. The shapes that are created within my knitting also reflect a net-like shape would was orginately inspired from the netting on fish cages found in lyme regis. i also think the top layer of netting reflects bits and bobs trapped inside a net. as flotsam and jetsam is all about things being washed up on the beach i wasnt entirely happy with my desgin being soo neat, which then made me think i needed to destrought the fabric further. i found more images of seaweed and used string which i then dyed to the same colour as the seaweed. i threaded this through the bottom layer of knitting created textured straw-like string hanging from the dress in different directions. this definitely made the design look more destrought. automatically my design is seen as a womens dress which is what i orginally intended it to be, but now my garment is finished i do believe it could also be considered to be menswear. i played around with the length of the garment on my male model and found that if you garment is folded under to a desired length it can be worn as a mens jumper. i like the idea of it being unisex but if this garment was to be styled then i would prefer to style it in a womens collection where i could be more elaborate with the accessories.

Friday 18 February 2011

flotsam and jetsam

so im at the final stage of my 'flotsam and jetsam' project. ive been doing weeks of development trying to achieve my final silouhette for my garment. ive hand made the fabric for my garment by knitting with 20mm needles to create a loose net-like fabric inspired mainly by seaweed and fishing nets i found in Lyme Regis beach. im unsure whether the fabric ive made compliments each other and so ive draped it on the stand experimenting with how the two colours could be put together. at this stage im not too sure as to what direction i will go in, im considering finding a different wool to use but need to re evaluate my colour palette and decide on a better suited colour. im happy with the development ive made at this stage, im slowly getting there..