Friday 23 March 2012

final proposal

I know why the caged bird sings

The story behind my FMP is about hope; the bird in the cage represents someone or something being trapped and the feeling of wanting to be free. I would like my FMP to be a room display of a bedroom with a vintage, old/broken style to it. In the room will be a bed, an antique chair and a table, on the table will be a bird in a cage that will show where my idea originated. I will then design and make bedding for this room using my primary research of birds and flowers, as the flowers will represent happiness and freedom. To achieve this outcome I will research room displays, interior designers, and textiles designers and take photographs of birds and flowers. I will use my primary research to create a print design for fabric that I will then use to create bedding for my display room. I plan on making one single bed sheet, two pillowcases and two cushions.
To gather my primary research I will visit several bird watching reserves and take photographs of various types of birds and find a type of bird that inspires me the most for my final print design. I will then collect photographs of flowers from gardens and florists and look into the meanings behind different types of flowers, for example roses represent love. To gather secondary research I want to look into how different artists interpret birds and flowers that will inspire composition, colours and materials. I will also look into print designers and how they transfer their designs onto fabric.
To create my printed fabric I will explore different kinds of fabrics and how they create different effects when they are printed on to. I am also going to look into how I can create my designers sustainable and how they will effect the environment. I would like to create some print designs in a sustainable way to show that I am aware of the environment. Ideally I would like to print my design digitally or screen printed onto sustainable or recycled fabric.
To evaluate my project as I go along I will take photographs and document the printing stages so the journey of my final design is clear. I will analyse my design ideas talking about how they are successful and how I could improve them. I will also evaluate different layouts of bedrooms, which ones I like and which ones I dislike this will then allow me to create the perfect bedroom layout to display my final outcomes. The evaluation process will continue throughout the set up of my bedroom, as I will talk about the problems that occurred during the set up and how I overcome or changed these. I will then take photographs of the final look and present these in my sketchbook. I look forward to creating my FMP and displaying them in a creative way to tell a story.

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